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Sister Mariella
Biographical Information








Character Information


Real World Information
First Appearance:

Vol. 1 Issue 15

"This very hour I shall leave for the home of our enemy, to cut his still beating coal-black heart from his chest... that is my most sacred vow. Should I have to follow him to the darkest pits of Hell to do so."
Sister Mariella to Cardinal Innocent. [src]

Sister Mariella also known as Magdalena was an occult mercenary belonging to a lineage of women descended from Mary Magdalene, who claimed to have conceived a daughter with Jesus Christ.


Mission to Kill The Darkness[]

As Rosalia has passed away, Sister Mariella becomes the new Magdalena and equipped with the Spear of Destiny is tasked to kill Jackie Estacado, the host of The Darkness by Cardinal Innocent after he tells a story about her mother.

As Jackie comes back to his apartment, he is attacked by Sister Mariella. Subdued, Jackie lays on the ground as Mariella readies her spear to kill him. Sister Mariella ties to stab Jackie with the Spear of Destiny. Much to Mariella's shock, Jackie catches the spear and breaks it in half. Mariella is broken for this, but is then confronted by Jackie. Mariella grabs a statue and attacks Jackie. Jackie then tackles Mariella and they both fall out the window.

Jackie and Mariella fall on the street in front of the bus. The bus loses control and crashes into the two through a toy shop. Mariella runs deeper into the shop, while Jackie unleashes his Darklings on her. Jackie and Mariella fight in the toy store. They prove to be an equal fighters, both landing good hits on each other. In the heat of battle, Mariella is disgusted by the toys sold in the store. Using this as a distraction, she then shoots Jackie. Jackie in return overpowers Mariella, but in the last moment lets her go. Jackie decides to question Mariella as to who she is and to whom she works for. Mariella tells the story of Magdalena's and how they came to be.

A woman that was to be bludgeon by rocks for her sins. Jesus Christ instead saves her. Touched by this the woman became his apostle. From then on, Magdalenas served as sword and shield, killing the enemies of the church. As Mariella finishes her story, police confront them. She uses this opportunity to escape from Jackie.

Light of The Magdalene[]

Sister Mariella goes to a church, blaming herself for failing her mission to kill Jackie. She is then met by the order of Magdalena's, who come to bestow her the power of Light of the Magdalene and thus finish her training.

Sister Mariella completes the Magdalena ritual needed to gain the Light of Magdalene power. Just as she finishes the ritual, Jackie appear in the church. Mariella uses the Light of Magdalene on Jackie, letting him see all the pain he inflicted on others. Jackie instead of succumbing, says that Magdalena's hands are as bloody as his. He then unleashes The Darkness to subdue them from behind. Later that night a priest finds Sister Mariella and other Magdalena's nailed to a cross.

Recovering from her Wounds[]

Many months later, after spending in comatose state and recovering her wounds, Sister Mariella finally awakens in St. Martha's Hospital in Rome, Italy. She then gets a letter from a friend, informing her, that if she wants to reclaim her honor she lost during the battle with the Darkness, Mariella must go to the Amazon Jungle and retrieve the Spear of Destiny, which she lost. After reading this, Sister thanks her nurse for good care and sets out on her mission.

Returning the Spear[]

Later that month, Sister Mariella reaches the jungle. In four days, after walking through harsh terrain and battling hostile animals, Mariella reaches the temple. As she reaches the throne room, the Angelus notices her and asks her to state her business. Mariella is shocked to see her, believing Angelus to be a demon sent from hell. Tired of her, Lauren sends her Angelus Warriors to dispose of her. As the warriors close-in on her, Mariella cuts down a pillar on them, crushing them.

Lauren then sets forth a wall of holy flames to burn Mariella, but to both of them surprise, the flames do no harm to her. Angelus is confused as to why her powers have no effect on the Sister. Mariella explains, that she's the agent of Christ and she serves the almighty God, which protects her. With her powers ineffective against her adversary, Lauren decides to kill her by more mundane means. The two women fight and Mariella proves to be superior fighter. As she's about to deal the final blow, Appolonia with the Spear of Destiny, orders Mariella to leave her mother alone. When Mariella notices the spear, Appolonia explains, that when she was in coma, the artifact whispered to her, offering her a choice. With it, she could rule the world. All she had to do was to choose if she have a world of light or darkness.

Appolonia chooses the Darkness and becomes the Dark Queen. Seeing this, Mariella uses the Light of Magdalene to make her face her sins. But instead, Appolonia laughs it off as she doesn't feel any guilt over her actions. She then uses her Darkness tendrils to incapacitate Mariella and knock her unconscious, as her family doesn't kill nuns. Eventually, she wakes up and notices, that both Angelus and Appolonia has left the temple, leaving the spear behind. She then takes the Spear of Destiny and proceed to return it back to the Vatican.


Sister Mariella is devoted servant of god and a devoted Magdalena. She didn't questioned her orders and would follow them without a doubt of their validity. Although she was still young and inexperienced, she proved to be a tough opponent for Jackie.

Being sheltered in the church as a nun, Mariella had little experience with the outside world. When she went after Jackie, many things confused her. Mariella didn't get any pop-culture references Jackie said to her and she was disgusted by the toys sold to kids.

Powers & Abilities[]


  • Magda49

    Sister Mariella using Light of The Magdalene on Jackie.

    The Light of The Magdalene: For The Magdalena, judgment comes by way of The Light of The Magdalene; a potent weapon of light from her hands that forces its target to face all the sins they've committed in their life. It is an extremely effective technique that usually leaves its target helplessly writhing in emotional agony as a great wave of paralyzing guilt overtakes them. The only ones that are unharmed by The Light are beings who have no guilt.
  • Superhuman Endurance: The Magdalena possesses beyond-Human endurance. Sister Mariella could match Jackie in his Darkness power and fight without rest for a long periods of time. She was able to shrug off being thrown into a wall and getting repeatedly punched by Jackie in his Darkness armour.
  • Superhuman Agility: The Magdalena possesses beyond-Human agility. She could achieve impressive athletic feats like jump kicking Jackie and quickly evading his attacks.
  • Healing Factor: The Magdalena heals quicker and with more finality than ordinary Humans.


  • Expert Martial Artist: Sister Mariella is an excellent combatant, having been trained in various forms of martial arts. She was able to outmatch both Jackie and Lauren in their superpowered forms, using her combat skills alone.
  • Arms Mastery: Mariella is trained to wield various weapons, ranging from swords to spears.
  • Skilled Marksman: Mariella carried around a pistol and used it with deadly precision.


  • The Spear of Destiny: Sister Mariella carried the Spear of Destiny, one of the thirteen artifacts that was capable to kill the Darkness.
  • Pistol: Sister Mariella carried a pistol with herself.
  • Dagger: Sister Mariella carried a dagger for a close-quarters combat.

